Pride and Prejudice and ZOMBIES!

Okay, it’s not a zombie apocalypse tip. It’s OMG a movie based on the book Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

THE REMIX of the classic Jane Austen novel, by Seth Grahame-Smith.


Here’s the scoop on the movie, with director Craig Gillespie (Fright Night remake dude).

If you haven’t read this remix of the classic Austen novel, give it a whirl. It’s delightfully twisted, silly, macabre, fun, and kick-ass. You’ll see what I mean by that if you read it. OR you can even read it in graphic novel!

Anyway, this movie venture thingie could be a lot of fun. Victorian zombies. Awesome. So…I don’t know. Dare I say steampunkish, maybe?

Happy reading, happy writing!

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