Myth and Magic anthology

Hiya, peeps!

As a lot of you know, I’ve been crazy bizzy over at Women and Words, the site I co-admin with my awesome colleague Jove Belle doing the Hootenanny, our massive 12-day book giveaway. We’re on Day 10, so things are winding down, which is kinda sad because it is crazy festive over there.

At any rate, Bold Strokes Books JUST RELEASED (as in, 3 days ago) the anthology Myth and Magic: Queer Fairy Tales, edited by Radclyffe and Stacia Seaman.

I bring this up, dear readers, because I have a short story in this anthology. Most of you probably were not aware that I do, on occasion, write paranormal. This is one of those occasions. (MUAH HA HA!) You can also find another of my paranormal stories in Wicked Things: Lesbian Halloween Short Stories (Ylva Publishing, edited by Jae and Astrid Ohletz).

That short story in Wicked Things may have spawned a series of novellas from my brain. Stay tuned for more on that.

It’s not that big a stretch for me to write paranormal. I grew up on a steady diet of spec fic (mostly sci fi and fantasy), in which all manner of creatures and magic are expressed. So when Bold Strokes put out the call for this anthology, I thought it would be fun to write a story for it, whether it was picked up or not. I’m extremely pleased that it was, of course. Heh. There are a lot of great authors and stories in the collection, so if you’re interested in re-tellings of fairy tales with queer twists, this may be for you.

And if you’re interested, here’s a review of Myth and Magic.

So get on back to the Hootenanny! Get signed up! Today is, coincidentally, paranormal day over there and a copy of Myth and Magic is up for grabs!

Happy Solstice!

2 thoughts on “Myth and Magic anthology

  1. Purchased! I’m looking forward to catching up on my reading list this winter and especially to catching up with your short stories.

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