Things I’ve been up to

Hiya, peeps —

Some of you know that in addition to the writing stuff, I’m also an assistant editor over at Luna Station Quarterly, an ezine that publishes spec fic (short stories) by women. They’re always interested in finding new writers as well as established, so if you write spec fic (and that encompasses sci fi, fantasy, paranormal, fairy-tale-ish), consider them as a venue for your work. If you read spec fic or you’re interested in some fine short fiction in the genre, maybe add LSQ to your go-to sites for that. You can read an interview I did with LSQ’s founder and editor, Jennifer Parsons, here.

Now, what have I been up to? Well, I’m preparing the follow-up to my novella From the Boots Up for publication in late spring. It’s a novel-length, and it’s gone through a lot of re-writing. OMG. I had a draft manuscript of it written about 4 years ago. I gutted it, re-shaped it, and sent it to my primary beta/editor who sent it back for more gutting and tweaking. I finished that and now I’m getting it formatted and pretty-fied. Or something. There’s a designer working on the cover and it’ll be going into editing and proofreading soon. Whew. So stay tuned…

I’ve also got another romance novel I’m trying to finish up so I can send it to a couple of betas. That one I’m hoping to have out in the fall. I’m also working on book 4 in my sci fi series (The Far Seek Chronicles, for those not in the know) and I’ll be starting some research for the fifth New Mexico book.

That doesn’t count the conferences I’ll be attending and events I’m helping plan. So basically, I have my work cut out for me this year. Heh.

Speaking of From the Boots Up, it got reviewed in Curve Mag, which is a pot of awesome. Here’s the link if you’re interested.

I’ve also been interviewed in a couple of different venues recently. Ylva Publishing posted this one with me, and thriller/mystery writer Jon Michaelsen had me aboard at his blog. If you missed it, here.

And as always, you can find me at the Women and Words blogsite, where I’m a co-admin and blogger.

So hope everybody has a great rest of the week and if you’re caught in any of the terrible weather out there, stay safe.

Happy reading, happy writing!

Stuff goin’ on

Hi, all —

Hope everybody had a good Xmas (if you celebrate that) and hope everyone who does the Kwanzaa thing is having a joyous season. We’ve got a whole new year coming up (WOO!), and I hope everyone has a great one.

Just a quick note to update you all on stuff going on.

We finished the crazy mass outta-control book giveaway called the Hootenanny over at Women and Words and we have a few people who won and who we’ve contacted but who have not responded. Please check the winners (they’re posted next to each book offered on each day) and if you see your name there, check your spam filters.

Author Jon Michaelsen had me over at his blog for a Q&A. Here’s the link. And while you’re there, make sure you cruise around to see what Jon’s up to and to check out the other awesome LGBT authors he’s featured over there. You’re sure to find some stuff you’d like to read. 🙂

Also, there’s a cool gathering coming up at the Virtual Livingroom this weekend! CANADIAN lesfic authors! Sounds pretty groovy, right? Here’s the scoop:

Spot-On: “O Canada”, Jan 3-5, 2014
Lesbian Fiction by Canadian authors

Many authors of fine lesbian fiction are actually Canadians and two Canadians, author Rebecca Swartz and Kathy Brodland, will co-host with the bookgeek a weekend where we celebrate those authors. And the authors graciously offered ebooks for a give-away!

Authors participating will be:

Anne Azel (Tides, for one)
Lizz Bugg (Calli Barnow mysteries)
Sarah Ettritch (Threaded Through Time)
Joan B. Flood (New Girl)
Lois Cloarec Hart (e.g. Broken Faith)
Benny Lawrence (Shell Game)
AJ Quinn (Hostage Moon, Show of Force)
Tracey Richardson (Last Salute, among others)
Rebecca Swartz (Everything Pales in Comparison)

You can access the VLR for this fun shindig HERE.

That’s what I’ve got at the moment. In the meantime, hope your new year (if you celebrate January 1), is oh, so groovy.

Happy Saturday!

Jove Belle “Love and Devotion” blog tour

Hi, all!

So, I’m super-excited to participate in Jove Belle‘s blog tour for the release of her latest romance (F/F) through Bold Strokes Books, Love and Devotion. It’s available on ebook now, but will be available in print just in time for the holidays. Sweet!

Here’s what’s up on this stop on the tour. A little Q&A with Jove (see below) and then, an excerpt from Love and Devotion.

Jove Belle has several published F/F romances through Bold Strokes Books. She currently resides in the Portland, Oregon metro area with her partner of seventeen years and six kids. Somehow, she manages to find the time to write, do some urban farming, and tote the kids around in an SUV big enough for the lesbian Brady Bunch. You can find out more about her and her books at her website.

Let’s talk about some Love and Devotion, now.

Synopsis, from the Bold Strokes Books website:
KC Hall loves her family, her small East Texas town, and her best friend, Emma Reynolds. All of that takes a backseat when her lover beckons. Lonnie is blond, beautiful, and willing. She’s also married and a lifelong friend of KC’s mama.

KC knows the affair is a bad idea, but she just can’t help herself. When presented with the lush landscape of Lonnie’s body, KC subscribes to the philosophy of “orgasm first, think later.” Unfortunately, a secret that big is impossible to keep in a close-knit community where everybody knows everybody else’s business. The scandal would hurt her entire family.

Emma is KC’s exception, the one woman she loves enough to not have sex with. When Emma confesses that she’s loved KC since high school, KC is terrified. One wrong move and she could lose Emma completely.

Is she willing to let her family pay the price for her good time? Or will she turn to Emma to discover the true meaning of love and devotion?

Click on for the Q&A and excerpt!

Continue reading

I haz done ‘nother interview! Plus gud readz

My gracious, peeps. I’m sort of out of hand up in here. I went on down to the Cocktail Hour for a Bar Conversation with Andy. We talked about books, writing, writing process, the upcoming GCLS conference, and a whole slew of other stuff. Hope you go and check it out. We had a hell of a good time. But then, I ALWAYS have a good time at Cocktail Hour!

I believe I’m slated to do a readings thingie on the Liz McMullen show in the next week or so. Not sure yet what I’ll be reading of mine, but it’ll probably include some unknown and unseen works-in-progress. I’ll let you know when that’s ready for your listening pleasure.

So now I’m a little lost without Walking Dead to get therapy over. Thank god(dess) Lemony Snicket took over Twitter for a bit to help us deal with our fears. Check it out. It’s darkly funny, as you would expect.

And here’s a cool post at Writer Unboxed by author Erika Robuck on how words can nourish in various ways.

And one of my fave writers/bloggers, Chuck Wendig, points out again that self-publishing versus traditional publishing isn’t some kind of epic war between Orcs and Hobbits. One might not work for you, or the other might not. Who cares? Do what works for you. I’m a hybrid between the two, and I generally tinker and explore all kinds of options and platforms. Oh, and check out his review/experience with Bioshock Infinite.

Oh, and cuz I kind of collect a few comics, here are some cool comics blogs to check out:
Comics Worth Reading (lots of great, meaty discussions here)
Comics Alliance (good info about stuff that’s out there, events, and stuff that’s on the way)
Bleeding Cool (comics news and other groovy stuff like that)

What’s Happenin’

Hey, peeps–

Okay, so wow. It seems that people are digging the two main characters in From the Boots Up and I’ve gotten some luuuuv and some questions about what’s next for Meg n’ Gina. Well, don’t you worry. I’ve got a novel I’m finishing up with the “what’s next.” You didn’t really think I was through with those two, did you? Muah ha ha! Stay tuned!

Other stuff. I was interviewed recently by the awesome Liz McMullen at her show, so if you’d like to hear me blather on about books and writing and go off on some tangents with her, well, there it is. I also do a reading from the latest in my New Mexico series, which is in progress and not published yet! So if you’ve been following that series, well, here’s your chance to see what Chris is going to be up to in book 4. Plus, Liz put together a super-awesome slideshow to accompany the chatting. Hit the link up there to check it out.

Other, other stuff. I will be attending the annual GCLS conference in June. It’s in Dallas this year. I’ll be running around like a freak, as usual. I’ve been scheduled for a panel or two (not sure yet; waiting to see), and I will be TEACHING A CLASS, people. Or workshop. Whatever you want to call it. The class deals with setting and learning how it can be its own character. I’m trying to get y’all to think about your surroundings in ways that will help you bring it into your own writing. I’ll let you know the deets when the schedule is posted for GCLS.

I’ve also got something planned for mid-September. It’s kind of still percolating, and an awesome crew of fellow authors and readers are working on getting some stuff together for that, but I’ll keep you posted. It’ll be super-groovy. For reals. You’ll see.

What’s in the hopper: As you know, I just released From the Boots Up. The third in my Far Seek Chronicles is with the publisher and in editing. I’ll probably be getting the edited manuscript back next month. New Mexico 4 (I’ll release the title once I’m closer to sending it to the publisher) is nearly done; I’m planning on sending that to the publisher in June. And THEN. Well. I’ve got a couple of romance novels to deal with, including the follow-up to Meg n’ Gina (from Boots).

So there you go. That’s the scoop. Staying busy. Hoping everyone’s well and that you all have a fab Thursday.


Well, been a busy week, friends. My apologies for not checking in sooner.

I done went and got myself interviewed by Liz McMullen on her fab Liz McMullen Show. There you’ll hear me talk about random things about my writing (and not) and do a reading of a work-in-progress. THAT’S RIGHT, people. A reading from the 4th NM mystery, which I’m slamming on and hoping to send to the publisher in June.

And Liz and I are running a book giveaway, in honor of my interview. But you have to answer a question. If you’re read the New Mexico series (particularly State of Denial), you should get this one. Here’s the link to the interview again, for instructions on how to enter and where to send your answer and all that good stuff.

Anyway, the fourth NM book is a Chris Gutierrez mystery (Chris gets even-numbered books and K.C. gets odd-numbered books), so hope you decide to go check the interview and reading out. For more info about my mysteries (including excerpts and where to buy), click here. C’mon. You know you want to.

I also JUST released my latest romance novella, From the Boots Up, on Kindle. Go have a looksee. Might be right up your alley. If you’re not sure, well guess what? It’s free on St. Patrick’s Day. YES! Grab a green beer (or not), your Kindle, and head on over to Amazon for some “Boots” on that day.

And as always, for the haps in the world of lesfic/books with strong women characters, head over to Women and Words. You’re sure to find SOMETHING you like there.

Happy Friday!

Interview coming up

Hi, all. I’m being interviewed in a couple of weeks by Liz McMullen.

So with that in mind, I’m wondering what readers would like me to chat about with regard to my work and whatever else you think would be cool to know (within reason, of course).

Liz also wanted to know if I want to do a reading on the show. Well, I haven’t been asked to do a reading in years, so it hadn’t crossed my mind. If that’s something you’d be into, let me know and also let me know what you want me to read from.

Drop me a comment here or an email or send a carrier pigeon or whatever works.

Happy reading, happy writing!

Talking to Myself. Sort of.

Hey, peeps–

As some of you know, I write a mystery series based in New Mexico. You can find all the info and excerpts here on my site, if you’re so inclined. But one of the other things I do now and again is I’ll interview my characters. I’ve interviewed three from the New Mexico series.

K.C. Fontero is a sociologist and some-time college professor. She’s the main character in odd-numbered books. That is, so far, books 1 and 3 are K.C. Fontero mysteries. That would be Land of Entrapment and The Ties That Bind, respectively. Her best friend is Albuquerque Police Detective Chris Gutierrez. Chris is the main character in even-numbered books. Book 2, State of Denial, is her first and I’m hammering away at Book 4, which is titled but I have this weird superstition and I don’t release the names of the titles until I send the manuscript to the publisher. Photographer and woo-woo cowgirl/art chick Sage Crandall is K.C.’s love interest. All the characters make appearances in each other’s books, so nobody gets left out. So with all that in mind, here:

Chat with K.C. Fontero

Chat with Sage Crandall

Conversation with Chris Gutierrez

Happy reading, happy writing, happy Thursday!

More author interviews coming up at Women and Words!

Hi, kids!

OMG this week has been crazy bizzy. But don’t worry! The Summer Blast Tour has morphed into the Fall Fiesta Tour over at Women and Words, so check in on Fridays for fun n’ games and GIVEAWAYS! YES!

This Friday, author Mary Vermillion stopped by to chat about her series starring radio host/sleuth Mara Gilgannon. Mary sets her mysteries in Iowa (which I think is super groovy). She also has a secret (okay, not so secret) identity as a professor of English and she teaches way cool classes like Law and Literature.

So come on by! She’ll be giving away a copy of her latest, Seminal Murder.


Here, Mara tries to solve the murder of her friend, Dr. Grace Everest, who was killed right in her own fertility clinic. She and Mara were working on a radio series together about artificial insemination, but someone is out to stop her. Is that someone the person who also killed Grace? Is it the reverend who’s been campaigning against the clinic and the radio station? Is it the person Mara’s buddy Vince invites over to their shared home? Or is it somebody else? And why do lesbians have a particularly low pregnancy rate at Grace’s clinic?

Come on by Women and Words on Friday and put your name in the hat to win it and find out!

Happy reading, happy writing, happy Wednesday!

Writer’s Digest interview with Patricia Cornwell

Hey, peeps!

If you’re a US writer (heck, a writer anywhere!) and not a subscriber to Writer’s Digest, try it. At least for a year to see how you like it. And if you’re a reader but not necessarily a writer, there are some FAB interviews with authors in WD.

For example! The October 2012 issue of Writer’s Digest has this super-cool interview with international supah-star crime writer Patricia Cornwell, by Jessica Strawser. As those of you who are familiar with Cornwell are aware, her premier character is medical examiner Dr. Kay Scarpetta.

If you’re not a subscriber, find someone who is so you can read it or buy the issue. It’s available in print, but it’s not available to non-subscribers online. If you purchase the digital issue online, I believe it gives you access to online content relevant to that issue not available in the print. Like the extended version of the interview, in which Cornwell briefly discusses gay characters and mainstream fiction in the online outtakes.

I’ve been reading Cornwell off and on since Postmortem (1990) was released, and I’ve followed her career peripherally. One of the things that I really appreciate about her books is the extensive research she does for each one. It shows. And for crime writing, that is, I think, ultra-important.

In the interview, she discusses her writing process, the boundaries she keeps, and how she approaches writing and forensics. One of the things I appreciated about the intro to the interview is the matter-of-fact way her marriage to psychiatrist Staci Ann Gruber is treated. It’s mentioned, and. . .that’s it. No OMG THE GAY CRIME WRITER freakout. A mention of her marriage to her, and on to a couple other pertinent details about her successful defamation suit against a writer who accused her of plagiarism then waged an online war against her character.

So let’s have some more tidbits from the interview!

Continue reading